In recent years, modern life, industry, and cities have brought changes to . It was found that the younger subjects were more positive in their evaluation of "western" prac- tices than were the university students and adults. The first step is asking for the permission from the head of the family, or the person who raised the daughter her whole life. It documents their stereotypes of and attitudes towards traditional African and "western" marriage and family life practices. Moreover, in the traditional form of the wedding, all the important decisions like wedding attire, exchange of gifts, ornaments to be worn, etc. Applying the comparative method, this paper aims at analyzing within the. Majorities favor same-sex marriage in every Western European country surveyed, and nearly all of these countries have legalized the practice.Public sentiment is very different in Central and Eastern Europe, where majorities in nearly all countries surveyed oppose allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally. Two days before the wedding, the bride goes to the Hamam, a traditional sauna. Submitted By AyanElmoge. Therefore, the wild geese can symbolize the loyalty between husband and wife. 4, No. Here's what we mean: Men tend to use more concise, short language, while women lean toward a lengthy, detailed manner. single. In ancient Rome, marriage was a civil affair governed by imperial law. Not so long ago, traditional gender roles, combined with an aversion for the . Think of it this way, men are bullet points, and women are paragraphs. As the . The large size and extreme diversity of the continent leads to enormous diversity among the marriage ceremonies and traditions that take place. In both religions, the marriage is a contract between a male and a female which results in a physical and spiritual union of the two. According to The American Heritage Dictionary which defined culture as a unit of behavior that sent from social life, art, religion, organization, and all results of human action and thought from a group of people. Lack of clear communication between partners in a traditional marriage is often cited as the cause for divorce. 4, 2016, pp. 2. In other words, customary law emerges from the ways Africans adapt their customs to the legal, economic, religious, and cultural changes triggered by globalisation. "Marriage in Africa was the means of ensuring reproduction, but things change", explained Dr Lynne Brydon in the opening remarks of the 2017 Cadbury Conference, an annual event held by the University of Birmingham's Department of African Studies and Anthropology (DASA).This year's conference was convened in honour of . The customs of western marriage can trace back to ancient Greece and Rome. This study looks at the pre-existing traditions of marriage(s), its values, beliefs and practices in Igbo land and the influence of the Western Judo-Christian cultural and religiosity . Even though Africans mostly are either Christian or Muslim, and marry according to their religions; couples must also perform traditional marriage rights. Answer (1 of 5): "What is the difference between traditional education and Western education?" Short answer: * Replication vs re-assembling of knowledge * Conditioning vs socialization LONGER ANSWER Russia has been sitting on the fault line between "the West" and "the rest" since Peter the . The article below is to show you importance and the richness of African weddings.The marriage between man and woman is a special celebration of the natural continuity of life in every part of Africa. Africans Know how to Do More with Less For both modern marriage vows and traditional marriage vows you have reached a milestone in your relationship together. This usually is the father, stepfather, or grandfather. Overall, however, the subjects were positive towards "western" practices. Differences help identify the individuals in a marriage, while similarities bring two together to be one. Thus, the importance of traditional marriage in Africa cannot be overemphasized. Introduction. The differences in the way marriage is viewed definitely affects the way a reader would respond to "Flame." Lei Guo, Lan Wang. However, to a small extent there are differences between African and Christian understanding of marriage as shown below; In Christianity, man and woman are equal in marriage while in traditional Africa; man was superior to the woman in marriage. The traditional wedding is the one where they dress in African attire and go to each other's ancestral home towns and per. Western Pre-wedding Customs. Africans are More Teachable Generally Africans are less-wound-up, a little more willing to use wisdom from yesteryears. It involves the joining of families and a lot of traditions. This is because the music is not written. They in turn will be followed by friends of the couple, one each of the opposite sex, to the officiate to the tune of a West African (Akan Ghanaian)song. Applying the comparative method, this paper aims at analyzing within the. For marriage customs, this thesis makes a detail explanation from such aspects as marriage color and wedding dress, marriage venue, marriage ceremony as well as marriage banquet. Often couples choosing to be married in a more western style will get married in so-called fake churches that are simply designed to produce the look and feel of . PDF | Marriage is the most fundamental social institution in human society. Difference Between Love and 'Arranged Marriages' Love vs 'Arranged Marriages' Marriage is a social contract between a man and a woman. While interracial couples of all nationalities are more widely accepted today than ten or twenty years ago, husbands and wives from different ethnic backgrounds still face formidable challenges on the home front, in the marketplace and in society at large--especially African Americans . are prescribed to be performed in set rules. In a modern wedding, ceremonies are planned according to the convenience and . Marriage refers to a social union agreed upon by the couples to unit as spouses. Marriage is that cultural process which ushers in new life. Another difference between traditional and Christian wedding is the privacy of the venue. The emergence of clusters of traditions and cultural civilization of the wider Igbo society and the influence of the Western culture necessitated the need to review the traditional Igbo marriage and customs. In Japan, western style weddings are held in churches even though a very small percentage of the population actually considers themselves to be Christian. Cutlural Aspects. Western music on the other hand is most times represented on staff and ledgers which ensures that a . In all the communities all over Africa the bride plays a . Marriage is instead a privilege afforded by communities, between man and woman for those who meet the criteria. When a couple is in love and they decide to get married, traditionally that is a western marriage. Contrary to which, modern wedding is free from all sorts of restriction. Moreover, in the traditional form of the wedding, all the important decisions like wedding attire, exchange of gifts, ornaments to be worn, etc. In these rites of passage, gifts play an important role both in marking the transformation and in reinforcing the relationship between the giver and the . It is a milestone. Because marriage in Cameroon involves more than the two spouses, it is celebrated in whole region of the village to bring family closer together as stated in the book Culture and Customs of Cameroon by John Mbakum Mbakum (14). According to Islamic traditions it is not required for the bride to be present at the . All around Africa, traditional weddings are dying out with the normalization and influx of the so-called White Western African weddings. Answers (i) Christian marriage is strictly monogamous but traditional African marriages are commonly polygamous. 2. Ceremony Differences. Often couples choosing to be married in a more western style will get married in so-called fake churches that are simply designed to produce the look and feel of . Sadly, many of our respondents feel that traditional African weddings are becoming less popular amid an influx of the so-called 'White Western' African weddings. African-American marriage rate seems to be on the upswing-from 46.1 percent in 1996 to 47.9 percent in 2001-after a 40-year downward spiral. 2. For the rapid development of economy, Chinese people need to cooperate with westerners more frequently. It becomes particularly important for Chinese people to learn more about western countries' culture in their communication. This is not so under Customary marriage. Africa has a population of over 1.2 billion people spread throughout 52 countries. 123-126. doi: 10.11648/j.hss.20160404.17 Differences of Cultural Marriage. The establishment of a traditional Western marriage basically includes making a proposal, engagement and wedding ceremony. This research paper focuses on comparing marriage practices in American and Indian culture. (In other words they are more teachable compared to North Americans )This open heart makes for easier relationships and helps when it comes to sharing wisdom in marriage. In Japan, western style weddings are held in churches even though a very small percentage of the population actually considers themselves to be Christian. The customs of western marriage can trace back to ancient Greece and Rome. In all the communities all over Africa the bride plays a . forms through contrasting their differences. Covenant marriages are referred to as a sacred covenant. The article below is to show you importance and the richness of African weddings.The marriage between man and woman is a special celebration of the natural continuity of life in every part of Africa. All around Africa, traditional weddings are dying out with the normalization and influx of the so-called White Western African weddings. Christianity calls for monogamous marriage while African tradition called for polygamous marriages. The establishment of a traditional Western marriage basically includes making a proposal, engagement and wedding ceremony. Within the African Traditional Religion, marriage is normally preciousprolificacy and is correspondingly envisioned for the purpose of procreation. The bad news is that the number of African married couples is only half the number of married Whites, and the situation is getting worse. Evaluate you and your husband's preferences and find joy in embracing both. In western societies a man and woman are said to be married when they enter into a relationship that is understood by the couple and by their community to be more or less permanent (Gottman, 2002). The idea behind this type of marriage is that it begins with both spouses understanding what they are committing themselves to in terms of their faith and what it means to them. Answer (1 of 3): Well, in Nigeria, the white wedding is the one in which the bride and groom wear European clothes and go to a church to do a ceremony. As in a Shinto marriage, the couple is arranged In a modern wedding, ceremonies are planned according to the convenience and . We are constantly reminded of the consequences of our upbringing in Ghana regarding marriage when we hear one. In the history of western civilization, marriage was not always about love. Humanities and Social Sciences. This thesis mainly talks about the differences of the marriage between China and the western countries from the following two aspects: marriage customs and marriage sense. Marriage entails relational associations and corresponding intercommunity relations. The large size and extreme diversity of the continent leads to enormous diversity among the marriage ceremonies and traditions that take place. Before 20th century, the family . PDF | Marriage is the most fundamental social institution in human society. are prescribed to be performed in set rules. (ii) The traditional African marriage does not end with the death of either spouse (inheritance of widow) whereas Christian marriage ends with the death of a husband. The Western style of monogamy is the adopted model for marriage in present-day Ghana. The union of couples implies sexual relations, permanence in union, and procreation. Contrary to which, modern wedding is free from all sorts of restriction. Once the vows are said you cross over a threshold as you pass from the world of singleness into the world of being a couple. Western culture attracts Chinese people's attention unprecedentedly for China is becoming more open. Modern marriages allow for individual preferences. However, it very hard to catch wild is geese, so people always use domestic birds or ducks as the gifts instead. Marriage in Africa entails much more. 3. Then, both must learn to adapt to their style. Allow your marriage to have the freedom of having both differences and similarities. None of the Central and Eastern European countries surveyed allow same-sex marriages. You will always look back on the day you said your vows as you celebrate each . Also, when fights do come, check to see if it just a matter of preference or . Yet marriage is still a special celebration of the' natural continuity of life' in every part of Africa, with the bride being treated with maximum respect because she is a link . However, the few points follow suit like Chinese. Throughout the continent, the diversity of systems reflects the traditions, religions, and economic circumstances of a wide variety of distinct cultures.Islamic laws and customs have shaped the institution of marriage in North Africa and in some nations of western and eastern Africa. Marriage takes many forms in Africa. In Japanese traditional wedding both style and culture are involved and that has been known for many years. + 48 796 551 610 + 48 665 512 999; ul. It can't easily be broken by divorce or separation and has "covenant integrity.". Keywords: Marriage Customs, Traditional Culture, Western Culture 1. Africa has a population of over 1.2 billion people spread throughout 52 countries. Words 2371. B. Practices of Western marriage is rather simple compared with that of Chinese marriage. Two people of opposite gender joined in marriage have two very different styles of communication to the extent that this problem is sometimes insurmountable. In conclusion therefore, the western cultures, as presented by the civil wedding witnessed in this context shows a great disparity with the cultural provisions on marriage in India. Marriage is considered as the commencement of the new life as two people are considered to be one. Comparison Between Chinese Traditional Marriage Customs and American Marriage Customs. Western culture can be examined and analyzed from the premodern, modern, and postmodern eras, but suffice it to say that these periods have a conspicuous pattern that juxtaposes Western culture with African culture from the viewpoint of human reality perception and communication, humanity and religion, gender roles, classicism, marriage . Abstract—Marriage has played an important part in keeping the reproduction of humanity, social development and cultural continuity. Differences in wedding ceremony From the ancient times, in the traditional Chinese concept, the biggest feature of weddings is grand and festive. Differences between traditional Chinese and Western . There are no maids of honor and no best man. The families see this as an act of purification. But marriage is not a human right: Human rights don't need licenses or certificates. Other's go to a court. Marriage is a legal contract between two persons that leads to kinship. Differences between traditional Chinese and Western . After an agreement from witnesses and the Adoul (Notary), the couple exchange gifts such as jewelry and shoes. In Marriage (2008), the late Emory University historian Elizabeth Fox-Genovese explains that marriage has enjoyed a privileged status within Western civilization as the primary social unit of civil society—the essential bond that created a bridge between the sexes. The couple is unaware of who . Culture literary came from Latin word 'Colere' which means process, protect, take care of field (Soerjanto poespowardojo 1993). Within African Religion marriage is normally a cherished fecundity and mainly intended for the procreation purposes (Foster & Donald 121). Freedom of Choice Traditional marriages locked the spouses into their predefined roles without any opportunity to allow for individual choice. The Muslims require two witnesses from both sides while the Christians require a total of two witnesses (bridesmaid/best man). Three letters and six rites were needed to get married in old days. Pages 10. The Moroccan marriage celebration includes several ceremonies that can last between three days to a week. Rejtana 9A/29 (czwarte piętro) 02-516 Warszawa ; ul. Unlike arranged marriages, love marriages are more common in the Western World. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN MARRIAGE CULTURE IN THE FILM THE WEDDING BANQUET 2.1. Through comparative analysis between Chinese traditional marriage customs and American's marriage customs, it can be drawn out that traditional culture plays a leading role in them like marriage values and religion. Marriage ceremonies within Africa vary greatly between countries due to the diversity of culture and religion throughout the continent. All known human societies recognize and promote the state of marriage; in the past, virtually all human beings who reached adulthood . In joining a man and a woman, marriage attempts to hold men to collective . Of these changes, the legacies . Ceremony Differences. 5. 1. The observer was keen to not such differences as the willful acceptance of marriage by partners represented by love in the American context. Nowadays, one can hear about love marriages and arranged marriages, which have some differences between them. But when the empire collapsed, in the 5th century, church courts took over and elevated marriage to a holy union. Different countries have their distinct wedding cultures, which reveal the social life, ethics, religion, values, sexual consciousness and the development trend of national psychology. You can build a bridge for each other. BRIHC Scholar Carmen Thompson reports on the Cadbury Conference 2017. There are two major differences between a Shinto marriage and western marriage. The culture around marriage and asking for the woman's hand in marriage is a simpler process than in Chinese ways. | Find, read and cite all the research you . Marriage entails relational associations and intercommunity relations (Lugira, 78). It is a cherished and most celebrated rite of passage since the dawn of African civilization. Like religious disparities, race differences in marriage can put even the most solid relationship to the test. First, you must be aware of it. Vol. This paper mainly focuses on Chinese traditional marriage . The couple will walk together followed by their parents who would switch partners to symbolize the union of the 2 families. Married women were expected to fulfill their role as homemaker and had to stifle any career ambitions or frustrations they might have had. Practices of Western marriage is rather simple compared with that of Chinese marriage. | Find, read and cite all the research you . 4. Introduction African Marriage rites are extremely significant to the African populace and they are sternly followed. (parter) 01-877 Warszawa NULLITY OF MARRIAGE: Under statutory Marriage, failure of the intending couple to give 21 days notice to the public of their intention to marry or failure to obtain a licence before celebrating the marriage nullifies such marriage. There is significant difference between the two cultures in marriage practices. Marriage ceremonies within Africa vary greatly between countries due to the diversity of culture and religion throughout the continent. Most African music is passed down orally or aurally.. Rites of passage are present in all cultures and religions throughout history. In: English and Literature.